Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Oh Those Crazy Asians!

Now, as someone who is outwardly Asian, I will be the first to admit that Asians have some of the most terrible ideas, like eating dogs or using chopsticks instead of a fork. But one thing I think they got right: taking off your shoes when you enter someone's house.

I just don't get how it's okay to wear your shoes inside. You know what kind of shit people step in while they're walking around outside? Dog shit. Bird shit. Mud. Chewing gum. Dried crusty vomit. Puddles of urine pooled underneath the urinal. Oftentimes, this is unavoidable, and I understand that. But how did it become acceptable to track all the detritus you've collected under the sole of your shoe right onto the carpet? This ass-backwards society freaks out when someone dips their chip into the cheese twice in a row but thinks nothing of smearing fucking dog shit right where I stick my head when I'm looking under the couch for the chinchilla when he's escaped.

So I don't understand why people look so perplexed when I take off my shoes at the door. It's not an Asian thing--it's a common sense thing.

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