Friday, October 07, 2011

The Apotheosis of Steve Jobs

First things first - I actually thought Steve Jobs' death was a joke or a mistake, as it once was before, and let's not forget Steve himself had a little fun with it at one of his keynotes:

Unfortunately, this time he won't be popping up a wry slide at the next keynote, so RIP, Steve.

With that said, I don't know when in the last ten years he achieved godhood, but he apparently did, by the way people are talking about him. Now don't get me wrong, I own a MacBook and bought several of the iPods and iPhone. I think he's one of the few people on this planet who just gets it; the rare combination of brilliance, creativity, and instinct. I've watched every single one of his speeches on Youtube and he's so consistently impressive and inspiring that I've modeled my public speaking career after him. He's not afraid to take risks and to gather his employees to scream that they totally fucked up MobileMe. I LOVE that shit. I admire him so much that if he had been peeing in the urinal next to me, I'd have held his dick for him.

But really, med student Paul Jurgens? "...He wanted to make a dent in the universe, and he did. This is the intersection of technology and humanity.” I know the dent in the universe thing was Steve's own line, but really? The universe? The guy sold you overpriced computers and phones that don't let you change the tone of e-mail notifications! He stopped all corporate charity programs and was by most accounts a temperamental douche, even shafting Woz out of $2,150 when they designed the Breakout board. (That's $9,000 in today's value)

So universe? I dunno. Somewhere in the Andromeda Galaxy Dr. Xzxqyxqy is feeling pretty unappreciated right now.


dg said...

yeah it's like...

good businessman? for sure.
visionary? most definitely.

more than that though?

Eugene said...

I even totally forgot to mention how he denied paternity of his first kid for 2 years!
