Thursday, March 12, 2009

Stewart v. Cramer

I usually don't blog about things like this (let's leave the punditry to the Huffington Post), but I'm watching Jon Stewart's interview with Jim Cramer, and all I have to say is "wow." Jon is really turning the screws on Jim (who admittedly has been uncharacteristically gracious to this point). I wonder if he knew that he was going to be walking into a minefield. He couldn't have possibly thought that he could exonerate himself--or could he?

Anyway, it's nice to see someone asking some tough questions, and from a comedian, no less! If Jon Stewart killed Crossfire, I hope he can also kill CNBC. If the current crisis has taught us anything, it's that we need to start questioning all the assumptions we've been making about finance and compliance and accounting and human nature and all sorts of things we've always believed were true, or at the very least, benign. The LAST thing the world needs right now is another sycophant like Erin Burnett or Maria Bartiromo. Or that guy who interviewed Allen Stanford, can't remember his name right now...

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