Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Big Hearty Fuck You to Penn State

So the whole not-reporting-a-kid-being-raped was bad enough. The alarming lack of people giving a shit all the way up the ladder was bad enough. But then Penn State students riot and then call in threats to the guy who reported the rape? What the fuck is wrong with you worthless shitstains? Is football all you care about?

Now, I should take a step back and acknowledge that I'm sure there are plenty of wonderful, lovely people who went to and currently attend Penn State. I'm genuinely sorry you are lumped into the entire Penn State community by people like me.

With that said, what is it with Penn State alumni? My neighbor is a Penn State grad (I can tell because his car looks like the fucking Nittany Lionmobile) and that fucking douchebag is the loudest, most inconsiderate pile of horse diarrhea I've ever had the misfortune of living near. He and his roommates pack like 20 of the world's ugliest people in their tiny shit apartment (so many that they have to leave their jackets in the hallway) every weekend. It sounds like a fucking tailgate party. What the fuck are you partying about? That it takes three of you to afford your crappy apartment?


dg said...

could be worse.

your neighbor could be a gators fan. "goo gators!"

dg said...

damn you it didn't show my fake html tags. i wrote "< stupid accent >" and "< /inane >" before and after the goo gators.

Eugene said...

I suppose that's true. Or any school in the SEC, for that matter. *shudder* Why can't I live next to people who went to liberal arts colleges?

Missis Jodie said...

Hiya! Do you have any journalism skills or this is a natural talent of yours? Waiting forward to hear from you.

Eugene said...

Natural talent? For writing posts with lots of profanity? Absolutely.
